Jesus Is Our Hope For A New Heaven And New Earth

We are on a mission from the Lord to help usher in a new heaven and new earth. As believers, we are called to appear with Him in glory and honor, Amen.



Great Grace, Besetting Sin & The Irrevocable Calling Of God

Great Grace, Besetting Sin & The Irrevocable Calling Of God As believers in Jesus Christ, we really want to make His name look great. This desire comes from the Holy Spirit. God has shown us great revelations. He marks our lives with signs, wonders, and prophetic utterances from other believers....

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What Does The Rainbow Mean In The Bible? | God’s Covenant With Noah

The Rainbow Is A Sign Of God’s Promise | Genesis 9 The world became a very wicked place because fallen angels impregnated women. As a result, they gave birth to the Nephilim (giants). Genesis 6 states that the thoughts of humans were perpetually wicked. Consequently, God cleansed the earth by...

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A Day Is Like 1,000 years and 1,000 Years Are Like A Day

A Day Is Like 1,000 years and 1,000 Years Are Like A Day Note: This article is my opinion based on what I have learned about science and how it parallels the Bible.  It seems as if science continually proves the Bible to be true time and time again. What...

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The Mysteries of the New Covenant

The Mysteries of the New Covenant Jesus coming in the flesh, dying, and resurrecting from the dead ushered in a new age. God made known the mysteries that were previously hidden within the old covenant. Colossians 1:25-27 I have become its servant by the commission God gave me to present...

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The 7 Spirits Of God & 7 The Evil Spirits of Canaan

The 7 Spirits Of God The Spirit of the LORD will rest on him— the Spirit of wisdom and of understanding, the Spirit of counsel and of might, the Spirit of the knowledge and fear of the LORD. (Isaiah 11:2) 1) The Spirit of the LORD 2) The Spirit of...

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God's Promise To Rebuild The Ancient Ruins

God’s Promise To Rebuild The Ancient Ruins

Rebuild The Ancient Ruins In Modern Day America In the context of (Isaiah 61:4) and (Ezekiel 36:33-36), the phrase “rebuild the ancient ruins” has both a literal and a symbolic meaning. In both passages, the authors describe a time of restoration and renewal for the people of Israel after a...

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